Update on Emails

Update on Emails

Sometimes I spend half of my time trying to outsmart software. As well, living in front of nine computer screens can put me in a geeky netherworld.

On mornings, I am in an understandable rush to get the pre-market commentary out – but as close as possible to the open for the overnight analysis to be accurate and timely. In a rush, I often make mistakes, typos, or like this morning – digit errors.

Once the outlook is distributed, I then go back to proof and edit one more time. So if you see a mistake, it is often corrected already, and you can see this by refreshing your browser.

Up to this point, the content snippet in the email has not been correctable – even if the content has been corrected on the website. So I eliminated the snippet today. This email is the new format. Click on the Castle Rock image or the “Click Here for New Post” button to read the update.

Make sure our return email is whitelisted – so nothing gets stuck in your spam folder. Already, my email does not like the new image and spammed me.

A.F. Thornton

AF Thornton

Website: https://tradingarchimedes.com

A.F. "Arthur" Thornton is an expert in logic, risk/reward quantification, market fractals, pattern recognition and asset class behavioral analysis with 34 years devoted to developing algorithmic and quantitative trading systems. In addition to trading his own capital, Mr. Thornton designs custom algorithmic and quantitative trading systems for a small and exclusive group of exceptionally qualified traders.


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