Founders Trading Journal – 9/13/2022

S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures / Today’s Close – 3950.75 / -179.75 pts (-4.35%)

Originally Published Tuesday Afternoon, September 13, 2022 /
Updated with PPI Numbers on Wednesday Morning, September 14, 2022.

Navigator Swing Strategy™

S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures - 15-Minute RTH Candles - Navigator Alorithm Status and Most Recent Sell Signal
S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures - 15-Minute RTH Candles - Navigator Alorithm Status and Most Recent Sell Signal

Navigator Algorithm™ Trends

Navigator Trading Sandboxes™

Click here to learn about Trading Sandboxes and how they work. The table below lists the granular price obstacles a trader will encounter inside the expected move ranges. The DEM and WEM help us narrow our focus for the day and week ahead. We also included a few important price levels outside the range boundaries – for the less probable occasions (like yesterday) when the price exceeds the edges.

S&P 500 Expected Move Table of Key Price Reaction Levels
S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels

To successfully navigate this data, traders need to monitor the price auction with volume profile histograms for the day and a cumulative profile aggregating the last 10-20 sessions. As price travels north or south from level to level, volume tapers off at reversal points, and the process begins anew in the opposite direction. Professionals call this “price discovery.”

Founder's Journal and Trading Notes

Below are a few relevant excerpts for today from A.F. Thornton’s trading journal. Check out the full notes with a paid Subscription, which also includes access to Mr. Thornton’s live charts in the Founders Trading Room. The full journal contains Mr. Thornton’s daily trading plan and reflections on his daily gains and losses. 

References to “the Market” below mean the S&P 500 Index. The quoted numbers are from the front month E-Mini Continuous Futures Contract (now December 2022). 

    A few excerpts on today and what to expect tomorrow...

    “Whether bullish or bearish, the angle of attack in the past few sessions is unsustainable. Price needs to level out for a few candles, or it will dive into a stall like an airplane with its nose too high.” “And even if this is a healthy turnaround rally, a retest of the September 7 low (3886) is probable – maybe on options expiration (9/16) or the Fed rate bump (9/21).”  

    A.F. Thornton – Sunday, September 11, 2022

    • Well, the airplane stalled, and the nosedive was something to behold.
    • The wholesale inflation numbers released this morning essentially tracked the CPI numbers. The topline number was lower than expected, but Core PPI was higher. The price may try to climb up as high as the 5-day line just above 4000 (also DEM high) on a short-covering rally before it rolls down again. But there is nothing in the PPI report to motivate buyers.
    • Recall that 4000 is the highest option open interest level, either acting as a magnet or more likely repelling prices into Friday’s expiration.
    • I don’t see evidence of a bottom forming in the new decline yet, so lower prices are the most likely path, with some bounces along the way.
    • With the rollover, we can now project some lower targets starting with 3730, where the new down leg equals the 8/16 to 9/7 down leg. The 1.618% target is 3758, with the 2.618% target at 3000.
    • A rip-your-face-off short-covering rally is coming soon, so be careful with the short positions. I would rather be in Puts than Futures. Lately, market participants have been using short-dated options, and the pros can run the Vanna into Friday’s expiration. We tend to ride this out in the Navigator Swing Strategy until a solid sell signal or price starts closing above the 5-day line.
    • In addition to the lower targets, look for support at the June 7 low (3886) and then the June 17 low at 3639. Hopefully, the levels don’t turn out to be speed bumps in a crash. 
    • With the DEM low set for 3895 and the WEM low even higher at 3975, there is a prayer to hold the market near today’s (Tuesday) low through expiration. If not a prayer, how about hopium? Makes sure you calculate 1.5 to 2 times the expected moves in current circumstances.
    • Quadruple Witching and Expiration, starting early with the VIX tomorrow, is a complicated time to make reliable market calls. We are navigating blindly for a few days.
    • Today was another day I appreciated navigating by algorithm instead of my own opinion. I got caught up in the narrative that inflation would be flat to lower this month. I did not expect much reaction to the inflation reports, other than a positive rally if the numbers were less than expected.
    • I was wrong (media tainted) because I did not contemplate the numbers coming in higher than expected. Lately, the White House has issued prior warnings when expecting higher inflation numbers. They didn’t warn us this time, so I was slightly complacent.
    • Perhaps the higher-than-expected inflation levels finally lit the fire we have been contemplating. And should we be surprised? Student Loan Forgiveness, the CHIPS Act, Build Inflation Better – all deficit spending. The stated national debt is about to pop over $31 trillion. But you also need to add $6 trillion from the Fed’s balance sheet, not to mention unfunded liabilities.
    • But the numbers don’t matter to us anyway. They give us some fodder to debate, but ultimately the Navigator Algorithm took us to cash or short (for aggressive subscribers) yesterday (Monday) at 10:30 AM EST. We even let the public know our new position on these pages yesterday (Monday) evening.
    • Whether back to cash or short, subscribers bagged a four-day profit of 186 points per futures contract and slightly more than $1,000.00 per call on the 9/7 long position. Paid subscribers who shorted the market yesterday on the sell signal woke up happy this morning too. Apparently, there is some Dom Perignon coming my way.
    • While I did not expect a liquidation break of the magnitude the market experienced today, I am not surprised either. As previously mentioned, I expected a more orderly dip to retest the September 7 low around options expiration (9/16) or the Fed meeting (9/21).
    • In any event, we ended a four-day short-covering rally, nothing more and nothing less. But we never know for sure until it is over. Even legitimate bottoms start with short-covering.
    • But the inflation report did not miss the number by much, so what gives? Perhaps it is the fact that the rising inflation trend is more important than the actual numbers. But there are many other problems amiss, as mentioned Sunday.
    • One of them may be one of the most stunning disclosures I have encountered in a long time – if true. You won’t read about it in the mainstream media. 
    • A purported whistleblower at the CIA’s favorite think tank, the Rand Corporation, supposedly released a January 2022 memo copied to the White House and Democrat Party that laid out the plan to trigger a conflict between Ukraine and Russia to cause European energy prices to skyrocket.
    • The idea was to weaken Germany and the EU to keep them under the U.S.’s thumb. The secondary benefit was to weaken Russia. I must say, the memo is believable with the corrupt politicians we have in charge these days.
    • Objectively, however, I have doubts that the memo is legitimate. The trained eye will see obvious typos, missing words, and grammatical errors. The poor work is reminiscent of one of those Nigerian email scams, not something that would be representative of the Rand Corporation’s work. 
    • If the directive is real, it is a truly disgusting and inhuman plan. If we did what Rand claimed in the report, why would Europe need to worry about Russia or China? We are their worst enemy.
    • The memo is being suppressed in the Google search engine while readily available from numerous sources in less censored search engines such as Brave and StartPage. The primary story on the Google search engine labels the memo as fake. Naturally, the Rand Corporation denies its legitimacy.
    • We return to the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” syndrome. Were it not for Google frequently censoring on behalf of the Deep State; Google might have some credibility. Their suppression (especially of counter-narratives to the Orwell Regime) is the only thing that keeps me wondering if the memo truly is real.
    • The constant propaganda we have to filter these days is annoying.
    • Whether the memo is true or not, voters must oust the people in charge of our Country in November before it is too late and our Country collapses.
    • The stock market is beginning to connect the dots to the reality of our current situation. I don’t know what took it so long.
    • We are truly experiencing a communist takeover, and everyone knows it. It is the proverbial 100-pound elephant in the room.
    • Financial markets aren’t receptive to communist regimes, nor can they sustain many days like today, when stocks and bonds get hammered together.
    • The key 10-year treasury interest rate closed only a few basis points short of a new high today. As I have said before, a new, sustained high in 10-year interest rates likely means the June low (3639) in the stock market is vulnerable, and a trip to 3000 is inevitable.
    • Recall that our longstanding (minimum) forecast for this bear is to visit the middle of the 100-year channel near 3000 before it is over.
    • Yesterday was reminiscent of the March 2020 China Virus crash. Last night (Monday), the market rallied slightly above the WEM high in Globex but headed straight south from the CPI Report. If it wasn’t for the WEM low around 3975, there was nothing but blue sky below until the September 7 low (3886).
    • Closes and price acceptance below 3886 will confirm that wave (iii) of (1) of 3 is underway. Don’t worry, though; we are not even to the fun part yet when we are in the (iii) of (3) of 3. That is likely coming to a theater near you soon.
    • Meanwhile, as Rome burned, Nero  President Orwell held a picnic outside the White House to celebrate his new “Build Inflation Better Production Reduction Act.” 
    • As if the irony of the picnic wasn’t enough, Democrat stalwart James Taylor (damn, he looked old) played “Fire and Rain” for the crowd, a song he wrote about a friend who committed suicide. And crazy Nancy Pelosi directed the crowd, telling everyone when to clap. I guess she is practicing “Central Planning.”
    • Look, I gave the market every benefit of the doubt and tried to come up with any lipstick I could put on it to explain further gains. I try to be fair.
    • But alas, Price = Truth.

    A.F. Thornton

    BluPrint’s business model for retail services is sharing the buy/cover short and sell/short signals generated by our proprietary Navigator Algorithms™ for the S&P 500 index. Subscribers can implement the signals with the SPY ETF, SPX or SPY options, S&P 500 EMini (and micro) futures, or a combination of these instruments as the context warrants. 

    Futures and options are leveraged instruments that involve high risk, volatility, leverage, and loss. They have different characteristics with comparative advantages and disadvantages. With leveraged futures, you could lose more than your original investment. Past performance does not guarantee that you will achieve similar results, nor do we.

    A.F. Thornton is not a financial advisor, nor is he your financial advisor. He only expresses his opinion based on his experience. Your financial situation and experience may be different. This blog is for educational and inspirational purposes only. Your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own  research.

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    Word of mouth is crucial for growing our trading community and providing education and support for your trading decisions. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family if you find the information beneficial.


    Interim Update – 9/13/2022

    S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures - 15-Minute RTH Candles - Navigator Alorithm Status and Most Recent Sell Signal
    S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures - 15-Minute RTH Candles - Navigator Alorithm Status and Most Recent Sell Signal

    From Our Paid Subscriber Notes This Morning:

    Good Morning:

    At least it is a good morning for our subscribers. It is a fabulous morning for us. In last night’s commentary, the only scenario I didn’t mention was if the CPI inflation report came out higher than expected. The whisper number was lower, not higher. If the number met expectations, I expected the market to yawn. 

    I did not expect the number to increase, but I suspect prices are already reacting to the Orwell Administration’s latest “Inflation Reduction Act.” Our government always puts lipstick on the pig – and names any legislation the opposite of what it does. 

    The people are not stupid and are on to the tricks. That is why the Orwell Administration is now trying to criminalize opposition to their policies. They are desperate to hold on to power. These establishment globalists (it matters not whether a “D” or an “R” follows their name) are taking our Country down. The results of their ill-advised policies could not be more serious.

    Nevertheless, for our part, we got the market right. We were In and out timely on this last run. I posted the sell signal in the chart above, which came yesterday at 10:30 AM EST when we communicated it to our paid subscribers. Our various algorithms identified the deteriorating foundation of the rally.

    If the market crashes – this is where it begins. In Elliott Wave theory, wave (iii) of (3) confirms when we get a close below 3883 – and we are not yet there. Though it is doubtful, the price could still flip back up in an ABC correction. The millennial roundie at 4000, where the most outstanding options and Gamma concentrate ahead of Friday’s expiration, is a key level to hold, or the market gets into another Negative Gamma sell spiral.

    We will let it play out today. Those subscribers who went short on yesterday’s sell signal are having a happy morning. And if you shorted futures, watch the Put/Call ratio and don’t get caught in the first short squeeze. If you took a SPY or SPX Put, you can be more patient. The key here is the 5-day line, currently around 4040. Close above it; there is still upside potential. Close below it, not so much.

    A.F. Thornton

    Interim Update – 9/12/2022

    Good Evening:

    We went back to cash in the Navigator Swing Strategy this morning, mostly due to the magnitude of our short-term profits. In part, though, the decoupling of the S&P 500 and VIX indices today concerned me. And volume has receded on each successive day of the four-day rally. Today was the 4th lowest volume day of the year in the broad market.

    Tomorrow’s pre-market CPI report looms large. I think the markets will likely react to a lower number than expected. But the bad news is baked in if the number stays in the 8% range. The number is an understated lie, as most of us who live and pay in the real world already know.

    Tomorrow’s DEM is set for a 100-point range, from 4088 to 4188, with the upper edge exceeding the WEM high set this week at 4160. That should make tomorrow interesting. Learn more about the DEM and WEM, how we use them, and the tolerance for exceeding the WEM upper range boundary here.

    The current bull run can go as high as 4158 (61.8% Fib Retracement) and even 4240 (78.6% Fib Retracement at the extreme) and still be in “ii” of the “3” leg of the intermediate bear. Refer to Sunday’s update for a deeper dive into the market issues, as I don’t plan any more elaborate discussions this week.

    Suffice it to say that the markets and our Country sit on a powder keg. You already know that. There are many concerning data points besides inflation: e.g., worker, food, power, and water shortages. Then there is the political instability, lately including the criminalization of any opposition to the U.S. Democrat party and the breathtaking entrenchment of Xi-backed lockdowns in China soon to affect supply chains again.

    I return to my favorite saying, “Cheer up; things could be worse.” I cheered up, and sure enough, they were…

    Stay tuned,

    A.F. Thornton

    Founder’s Trading Journal – 9/9/2022

    S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures / Today’s Close – 4084 / +61.75 pts (+ 1.54%)

    Originally Published Friday Afternoon, September 9, 2022
    Updated Sunday, September 11, 2022

    Navigator Swing Strategy™

    Support/Resistance Chart Highlights and Zones
    Support/Resistance Chart Highlights and Zones

    Navigator Algorithm™ Trends

    Navigator Trading Sandboxes™

    Click here to learn about Trading Sandboxes and how they work. The table below lists the granular price obstacles a trader will encounter inside the expected move ranges. The colors correspond to the “DEM” and “WEM,” marking the range on the chart above. The DEM and WEM help us narrow our focus for the day and week ahead. We also included a few important price levels outside the range boundaries – for the less probable occasions when the price exceeds the edges.

    S&P 500 Expected Move Table of Key Price Reaction Levels
    S&P 500 Expected Move Table of Key Price Reaction Levels

    To successfully navigate this data, traders need to monitor the price auction with volume profile histograms for the day and a cumulative profile aggregating the last 10-20 sessions. As price travels north or south from level to level, volume tapers off at reversal points, and the process begins anew in the opposite direction. Professionals call this “price discovery.”

    Enhanced View

    Support/Resistance Chart Highlights and Zones
    Support/Resistance Chart Highlights and Zones

    Founder's Journal and Trading Notes - Weekly Perspective

    Below are a few relevant excerpts for today from A.F. Thornton’s trading journal. Check out the full notes with a Subscription, which also includes access to Mr. Thornton’s live charts in the Founders Trading Room. The full journal contains Mr. Thornton’s daily trading plan and reflections on his daily gains and losses. 

    References to “the Market” below mean the S&P 500 Index. The quoted numbers are from the front month E-Mini Continuous Futures Contract (now December 2022). 

      A few excerpts on the week and Monday's trading plan...

      • Apologies for the update, but a lot of the numbers needed to be footed to the new, front-month futures contracts. I simplified the charts a bit too.
      • The week ahead includes important retail and wholesale inflation reports (likely to be a yawn), with Quadruple Witching expiration on Friday. The options market gives us a 95-point DEM range for Monday and a 185-point WEM range for the week.
      • I think the Goldman Sachs trading desk best summed up my thinking on Friday. The pain trade is higher. The CPI matters little at this point – it is horrific no matter how you view it. The 4th Quarter performance chase has begun. And the question is – have you hedged your upside? Perhaps the rally has legs into quarter-end. Just don’t count on it.
      • Other than those non-economic motivations, why is the stock market rallying? I don’t pretend to know for sure, which is the beauty of relying on objective signals. Our job is to communicate the buy and sell signals to subscribers as the Navigator Algo generates them. We follow instructions and wait for the narrative to catch up. 
      • Now our task is to wait for the next sell or short signal. It could arrive Monday – or six months from now.
      • Presently, the rally underpinnings lie in the dissonance between potential and realized risks. POTENTIAL risks abound, but the economy has not exactly fallen apart (yet), and unemployment remains low (for now). It is a slow-moving train until it starts downhill.
      • And a lot of cheap money is still sloshing around the system – even though it may not formally show on the broker-dealer order books. Traders are in front of their screens, just holding their orders off the book. If the money is not there, then who is buying? Where is the volume originating? 
      • Sideline cash is historically high, as is the Street’s surge in buying downside protection (Puts and VIX Calls) over the past few weeks. The rally may reflect another FOMO match lighting the shorts’ pants on fire. Don’t forget that money managers face third-quarter performance music in a few weeks. And their performance this year leaves a lot to be desired.
      • And then we have that flight to quality thing with the dollar and geopolitical unrest. What an incredible advantage it is for our country to have the global reserve currency. It is sad that our leaders have sewn the seeds of its destruction.
      • And did you think about this rally explanation? Has the Orwell Administration saved a little juice for the November midterms?
      • As I have previously stated, the stronger the stock market is, the easier it will be for the Fed to hike rates again. Market rebounds are a gift. There are rumors of a full 1% increase at the next meeting. Yet, we know something will break eventually. We won’t be complacent.
      • Here is a thought: if higher rates aren’t reducing inflation (likely), maybe the Fed will raise their inflation target from 2% to 3%. It is the Fed equivalent of changing the definition of “recession” or “vaccine.”
      • Whether bullish or bearish, the angle of attack in the past few sessions is unsustainable. Price needs to level out for a few candles, or it will dive into a stall like an airplane with its nose too high. And even if this is a healthy turnaround rally, a retest of the September 7 low is probable – maybe on options expiration (9/16) or the Fed rate bump (9/21).
      • The market closed slightly above the previous week’s high, the 5-Week EMA, and the Key 5-Week Navigator Algo Trigger – positives, to be sure. Conquering the 5-month EMA and then the 5-quarter EMA are the next goals for bulls. 
      • Friday’s price closed near the high of the day. Still, the volume dropped considerably from prior sessions (Wall Street’s last day of summer), and the price encountered resistance around 4080. But it conquered the 50 and 100-day lines, and the 50-day line is poised to cross above the 100-day line. These accomplishments trigger Commodity Trading Adviser (CTA) trend-following buys – and that is a big crowd.
      • Look, Friday might be a one-hit-wonder. If not – kudos to the market. Another pain trade punishes the weary.
      • Some bad hombres are in the S&P 500 4080 neighborhood, including the 50% retracement of the recent decline, a minor down trendline from June 16, our proprietary Trend Direction Trigger (the market closed right on it), and a macro low volume node on the cumulative profile. A low-volume node is like being in a valley. Does price want to climb the hill in front or behind it? See the histogram on the right side of the price charts above.
      • W.D. Gann, supposedly one of the greatest stock traders of the early 1900s, always emphasized that corrections geometrically link price AND time. We tend to expect crashes and capitulations – perhaps overemphasizing price. Yet markets can also resolve lofty valuations over time by moving sideways in trading ranges. Take a look at the chart below for examples.

      100-Years of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

      100 Years of the Dow Jones Industrials shows the two important types of corrections. The 1929 Crash was almost a pure price correction. It was relatively quick on the grand scheme of things, but extremely painful. Yet the periods from 1966-1983 and 1999-2013 linked time into the equation - moving sideways as the lower channel lines rose to eventually intersect price. Unlike a quick crash, the time element draws the corrective process out, perhaps prolonging the pain and frustration while also avoiding a 90% collapse like 1929.
      100 Years of the Dow Jones Industrials shows the two important types of corrections. The 1929 Crash was almost a pure price correction. It was relatively quick on the grand scheme of things, but extremely painful. Yet the periods from 1966-1983 and 1999-2013 linked time into the equation - moving sideways as the lower channel lines rose to eventually intersect price. Unlike a quick crash, the time element draws the corrective process out, perhaps prolonging the pain and frustration while also avoiding a 90% collapse like 1929.
      • In other words, the longer the bear takes, the less likely price will surprise us with a crash into the bottom or midpoint of its longer-term channel. Instead, the price moves sideways as its lower or mid-channel line rises to intersect with it. The time/price mechanism merits a separate discussion, but keep the concept in mind.
      • I am still eyeing the Descending Broadening Wedge formation on the daily chart. You might want to review this pattern again. A textbook formation would suggest that the price won’t look back from the 9/7 low. 

      Descending Broadening Wedge Pattern

      Compare to Now

      S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Weekly Chart - Is this a bullish Descending Broadening Wedge Formation?
      • Thinking that the bottom of this bear could be in place is extraordinarily difficult to imagine. But in all my years with financial markets, I cannot remember a bear market ending when I was giddy or optimistic. The bear cannot end without a narrative for the world ending as we know it. Sound familiar?
      • But I still raise the potential of time and price combining into a long-term trading range to correct the current bubble. I have raised the possibility since January, when I first forecast what has now unfolded. The price objective of the descending formation pattern is the old high, not a new one.
      • I will pull up my climbing boots on Monday and follow the auction up the north slope or south as conditions warrant. Stay close to your email/text alerts for signals this week.
      • I am mindful that we are sitting on gains of 142 S&P 500 points achieved in only two trading sessions in the Navigator Swing Strategy. I know we should wait for the next signal, but I am not fond of returning gifts. Are you? Maybe we should exit or take partial profits on a whisper from the hourly strategy?

      A.F. Thornton

      *** At today’s close, readers and subscribers who chose to mirror the last Navigator Swing Strategy™ buy signal on 9/7/2022 have gains of $7125 per Emini futures contract (181%) and $708.00 per SPY call (63%). An investor could have purchased three calls at the buy signal point for roughly the same cost as one futures contract.

      BluPrint’s business model for retail services is sharing the buy and sell/short signals generated by our proprietary Navigator Algorithms™ for the S&P 500 index. Subscribers can implement the signals with the SPY ETF, SPX or SPY options, S&P 500 EMini (and micro) futures, or a combination of these instruments as the context warrants. 

      Futures and options are leveraged instruments that involve high risk, volatility, leverage, and loss. They have different characteristics with comparative advantages and disadvantages. With leveraged futures, you could lose more than your original investment. Past performance does not guarantee that you will achieve similar results, nor do we.

      A.F. Thornton is not a financial advisor, nor is he your financial advisor. He only expresses his opinion based on his experience. Your financial situation and experience may be different. This blog is for educational and inspirational purposes only. Your investments are solely your responsibility. You must conduct your own  research.

      Share with Friends and Family

      Word of mouth is crucial for growing our trading community and providing education and support for your trading decisions. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family if you find the information beneficial.


      Founder’s Trading Journal – 9/8/2022

      S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures / Today’s Close – 4005.50 / +25.50 pts (+ 0.64%)

      Published Thursday Afternoon, September 8, 2022

      Navigator Swing Strategy™

      S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels
      S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels

      Navigator Algorithm™ Trends

      Navigator Trading Sandboxes™

      Click here to learn about Trading Sandboxes and how they work. The table below lists all key signposts a trader will encounter in today and this week’s expected move ranges. The ranges are colored in with a few important levels listed above and below the ranges. The colors correspong the the DEM and WEM on the chart above.

      To keep it simple. focus on the  color coordinated support and resistance clusters marked in the S&P 500 index chart above.

      Founder's Journal and Trading Notes

      Below are a few relevant excerpts for today from A.F. Thornton’s trading journal. Check out the full notes with a Subscription, which also includes access to Mr. Thornton’s live charts in the Founders Trading Room. The full journal contains Mr. Thornton’s daily trading plan and reflections on his daily gains and losses. 

      References to “the Market” denote the S&P 500 Index. The quoted numbers are from the front month E-Mini continuous futures contract. BluPrint’s public business model is sharing buy and sell/short signals generated from its proprietary Navigator Algorithms™ for the S&P 500 index. The Founders implement the signals with cash SPY ETF, options on the SPX or SPY, and S&P 500 EMini and micro futures.

        A few excerpts on the market and tomorrow's trading plan...

        • There were no surprises from Fed Chairman Powell this morning. We had to manage our stop actively in the volatility, but yesterday’s swing buy signal gripped nicely, and the volume was terrific on today’s follow-through rally. 
        • The rally is still guilty until proven innocent – judged a short-covering (Gamma squeeze) bear reflex rally.
        • The next resistance cluster is 4040 to 4050. Support lies from 3988 to 4005. A close at or above resistance is bullish and below support bearish. Generally, closes above 4100 are bullish. The zone from 3900 to 4000 is neutral. Price acceptance below 3900 is bearish.
        • Watch the price/volume relationship carefully. Keep an eye on Junk Bonds (JNK) to confirm the S&P 500 rally. JNK led the rally and likely will lead the next decline. Reference the table above for signposts inside the clusters.
        • I still believe the market will dip into the Hurst Nominal 80-day cycle low, coinciding with quarterly/monthly expiration and the Fed meeting (9/16 and 9/21, respectively). The dip does not necessarily forecast a new low (below 9/7 at 3883.50). 
        • Price could retest or come in higher. Retests are common a week after a new low. We will keep our rally expectations conservative in the circumstances and continue to move stops up to preserve gains. For non-subscribers – the 5-day EMA line is a good stop reference.
        • We continue to keep a close eye on the 10-year treasury rate. The US Dollar finally stalled, likely helping the stock rally.
        • Price bullishly closed above the Navigator Algo trigger line today.
        • Until otherwise indicated, the market is in its third wave down, arguably the cruelest leg of any bear market. The rally is likely a bear retracement rather than a new bull. The alternate thesis calls for a trading range, and Thursday’s low could be in the bottom of the range.
        • What if this is THE bottom? Nobody expects the bear to end here, which is why it could. Time will tell.
        • Negative Gamma pressure persists below 4000.
        • Tomorrow’s target is to reevaluate when the market tags 4040-4050. We will closely manage our stops.

        A.F. Thornton

        *** At today’s close, those who took the last Navigator Swing Strategy™ buy signal on 9/8/2022 have gains of $4062.50 per Emini futures contract (104%) and $443.00 per SPY call (39%).

        Futures and options are leveraged instruments that involve high risk, volatility, leverage, and loss. With leveraged futures, you could lose more than your original investment. Past performance does not guarantee that you will achieve similar results.

        Share with Friends and Family

        Word of mouth is crucial for growing our trading community and providing education and support for your trading decisions. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family if you find the information beneficial.


        Interim Update – 9/8/2022

        With the volatility this morning, we lowered our sell stop on yesterday’s long position to 3933 to allow the market to react to the Fed Chairman’s speech. The new stop is a few points below yesterday’s midpoint at 3936.50, which should hold for the long swing signal if the rally has any legs.

        In addition to the midpoint, we will monitor the 5-Day line at 3960.50, which becomes our new stop in a whipsaw that stays higher than our stop.

        We will monitor the situation live, so be alert for signals today.

        Founder’s Trading Journal

        S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures / Today’s Close – 3980.00 / +69.50 pts (+ 1.78%)

        Published Thursday Afternoon, September 7, 2022

        Navigator Swing Strategy™

        S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels
        S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels

        Navigator Algorithm™ Trends

        Navigator Trading Sandboxes™

        The daily and weekly trading sandboxes frame our trading sandbox – analagous to where we play for the day or week. To set the edges, we derive the sandbox boundaries from the Black-Scholes option pricing model

        There is a 68% statistical probability that prices will close inside the ranges for the day (DEM) and week (WEM).

        It is invaluable to know the boundaries in advance. Traders can focus on the important support and resistance clusters inside the sandboxes rather than a kitchen sink of levels and indicators. The predictability makes it easier to plan “what if” scenarios in advance.

        Still, working the boundaries can be tricky. We calculate them as of expiration – the applicable daily or weekly NYSE close. That leaves temporary tolerance for the expected moves to post outside the range before expiration. Don’t panic – the price typically returns inside the range expeditiously as dealers and market-makers defend the edges.

        But suppose the price moves substantially beyond the upper or lower boundary – perhaps more than 50 to 75 SPX points? In that case, dealer counterparties must buy or sell futures in the same direction as the boundary violation to hedge their inventory.

        This protective reaction is counterintuitive, as it worsens the range violation and can accelerate the outside move as much as two standard deviations (double the range). Fortunately, this happens only one-third of the time. This is why we respect the sandbox ranges but don’t marry them.

        As mentioned, knowing the boundaries allows traders to focus on the key issues they will likely encounter inside the limits for the trading day and week. The trader maintains awareness of important levels near the outside borders but does not expect to encounter them often.

        The expected move lows and highs can serve as important support, resistance, and reversal points during the day and week. As rather esoteric concepts. Few amateur traders know about the DEM and WEM, much less how to calculate the edges.

        When the price exceeds the boundaries, traders can fade the price back into range with the dealers as expiration approaches. Dealers and market makers are considered smart money. Trading with them is akin to trading with the “house” and far better than trading against them.

        Founder's Journal and Trading Notes

        Below are a few relevant excerpts for today from A.F. Thornton’s personal trading journal and notes. Check out the full notes with a Subscription, which includes access to Mr. Thornton’s live charts in the Founders Trading Room. The full journal contains Mr. Thornton’s daily trading plan and reflections on his daily gains and losses. 

        Be forewarned that the notes can sometimes be offensively blunt and politically incorrect, as Mr. Thornton occasionally vents about geopolitical and economic issues influencing financial markets.

        References to “the Market” in the journal and Blog refer to the S&P 500 Index. The quoted numbers are from the front month E-Mini continuous futures contract. BluPrint’s primary business focus is applying its proprietary Navigator Algorithms™ to the S&P 500 index using the cash SPY ETF, options on the SPX or SPY, and S&P 500 EMini and micro futures as the investment vehicles.

        The Navigator Algorithms™ dictate the buy and sell signals for BluPrint’s Navigator swing strategy. But Mr. Thornton also applies the algorithms to day trade intraday charts down to 2-minute candles. His live, intraday charts are available throughout the day in the Founders Trading Room with a Subscription,

        The algorithms also show whether the S&P 500 is in an uptrend or downtrend. The direction of the index has a considerable influence on the path of individual stocks. The Navigator Algorithms™ can serve as an initial screen to help determine whether you have the wind at your back in stock trading.

          A few thoughts and tomorrow's trading plan...

          • Not surprisingly (see yesterday’s notes), a short Gamma squeeze started in Globex on Tuesday evening / Wednesday morning, triggering a short covering signal for the aggressive Navigator SwingStrategy accounts at 3923.75 soon after the NYSE Open.
          • The short-covering signal closed out the short-swing positions established on 8/16/2022 at 4302.75 on the index futures. 
          • Each futures contract earned 379 points for a 440% gain per contact. Each SPY put option (.SPY220916P425 purchased on 8/15 for $856) earned $2350 per contract for a 275% gain. Conservative cash swing accounts that took the 8/16/2022 sell signal, but did not short the index, avoided a -7.5% index loss from 8/16 to today’s close.
          • Always remember that shorting the market with leveraged futures and options involves a high degree of risk. Futures are especially risky as you can lose more than your original investment, at least theoretically. It would take a very extreme market event to lose more than you invested as long as you use stops.
          • We issue the buy and sell signals, but it is up to subscribers to choose the instruments to implement them. Soon, we will offer a program that permits you to open an account with an independent broker that automatically mirrors our trades for you as we execute them.
          • Of course, past performance does not guarantee future results. Also, our customer base cannot always immediately act on a text or email signal. Results may vary depending on when and at what price members complete their trades.
          • We also issued a long (buy) signal for Navigator Swing Strategy accounts at 3923.75. We moved the stop up all day, ending the session at 3962.50.
          • The retracement at hand could very well result in a short-lived whipsaw; we never know for sure. If the market heads south, support lies at the top of yesterday’s single prints (3946) and the candle midpoint (3956). You know where our stop is (3962.50), just under yesterday afternoon’s lows.
          • As mentioned yesterday, the 3900 Put Wall was the inflection point to hold the market for now – even though the market dipped as low as 3883.75 in Globex. By no means do I believe that the market is out of the woods. Closes above 4100 are bullish. The zone from 3900 to 4000 is neutral. Any price acceptance below 3900 is bearish.
          • This retracement has the potential to recover as much as 50% to 60% of the August 16 – September 8 decline, though I wouldn’t count on it. I still believe the market will dip into the Hurst Nominal 80-day cycle low, coinciding with monthly expiration and the Fed meeting (9/16 and 9/21, respectively). We will invest and trade accordingly.
          •  I would apply the day timeframe reversal logic to swing accounts with the newly established long positions. And that brings up the plan for tomorrow – Thursday, 9/8/2022.
          • Federal Reserve Chairman Powell will speak before the market opens, catalyzing what comes next. The only surprise would be some easy talk premised on Global economic challenges. I don’t believe the market expects this.
          • Some follow-through gains are likely, as Powell’s hawkish stance is already well-known and unlikely to change. The market started the retracement rally because it was oversold – not because it expected sugar from the Fed Chairman tomorrow. More than likely, the retracement is a dead cat bounce. But the market has already baked in big bad news around the Globe for the short term.
          • We have seen these short squeeze, rip-your-face-off bear-market rallies take us higher than one would expect, so I am looking for some follow-through buying tomorrow to retest 4000 and likely run higher through the stops above 4319. A move to the WEM high (4050) and 38.2% Fibonacci retracement of the 8/16 – 9/7 decline (4055) is possible by Friday.
          • Keep a close eye on the 10-year treasury rate, which is still flirting with a new high. New 10-year highs could tank the market, but a peak in the US Dollar (DXY) might offset it. Let’s hope for a double top in the 10-year rate. 
          • Junk Bonds (JNK) threw a nice, positive divergence to the S&P 500 the past few sessions evidencing some risk appetite. Momentum also positively diverged. Both actions often precede or coincide with important intermediate lows.
          • Though not entirely clear, the market has either completed the first leg of the (3) wave down in the larger picture – or has one more thrust down to 3866 to achieve the first leg. Either way, we are in a retracement with a max target of 4055 for the rest of the week. We will continue aggressively raising stops on longs until we are comfortable that the rally has enough legs to widen the protection. 

          • Day traders should watch for a pivot back down beginning at 4035. Longs might sell into any stop run above 4019 and go home.

          • As always, I listed all key support and resistance in the table above – with the WEM and DEM sandboxes shaded. More importantly,  I marked the important clusters on the first chart above. 
          • The levels help you know where to anticipate a pause or turn, but there is no substitute for monitoring the auction level by level to see where the price wants to stick or reverse.
          • Price closed above the 5-EMA on the daily chart – a good start for bulls. But one day does not make a trend – especially with current volatility. Continue to keep an eye on the CBOE equity put/call ratio – but the shorts were already on the ropes today and likely unwound many positions. Yet, the sentiment is still negative enough to continue the rally – even if short-lived.
          • Until otherwise indicated, the market is in its third wave down, arguably the cruelest leg of any bear market. But as we saw today, expect the market to wear you down before delivering the negative goods.
          • I am still looking at an ultimate bear market target of 3000 before year-end, give or take a few hundred points.
          • Don’t forget that all key levels reverse polarity when materially breached. Support becomes resistance and vice versa. The table above shows resistance and support when I published today’s Blog. Move the support and resistance labels as appropriate after the NYSE open. Anything above the current price is resistance, and below is support.
          • Negative Gamma pressure persists – count on more. Dealers will continue to hedge their inventory by selling futures into declines, worsening the down thrusts. But this effect also works in reverse. Dealers must buy futures into rallies, making them stronger and longer. We call this behavior Gamma squeezes or spirals. Did you see this play out today?
          • Heavy volume marked the lows these past few sessions, and the market experienced stalling (high volume with very little price movement) as it wedged into this morning’s low. Volume was above average on the sweep turnaround candle today, but it could have been better.
          • Very serious global tensions continue to mount. Russian President Putin scolded the West today as he pointed out that the Ukrainian grain and food shipments, finally moving through the ports, were snatched up by the EU, with only two ships delivering food to developing nations. He called out the West for its selfishness and hypocrisy. If true, Putin might be right. Maybe Hunter was in charge?
          • As mentioned before, we are experiencing a moment in time that requires us to prepare for the worst. It would help if you had a contingency plan for yourself and your extended family. 
          • It is always advisable to have such a plan, with extra food and water on hand. But perhaps it is more important now than ever before.

          A.F. Thornton

          *** At today’s close, those who chose to short the last Navigator Swing Strategy™ sell signal on 8/15/2022 at 4302.75 booked profits today when we closed out the trade for $16,137.50 per Emini futures contract (375%) and $2350.00 per SPY put option contract (275%). These are the final results for the last Navigator Swing Strategybuy signal. 

          Futures and options are leveraged instruments that involve high risk, volatility, leverage, and loss. With leveraged futures, you could lose more than your original investment. Past performance does not guarantee that you will achieve similar results.

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          Word of mouth is crucial for growing our trading community and providing education and support for your trading decisions. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family if you find the information beneficial.


          Founder’s Trading Journal

          S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures / Previous Close 3910.00 on 9-6-2022 / -14 pts (-0.36%)

          S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels
          S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels

          Published Tuesday Afternoon, September 6, 2022

          Navigator Swing Strategy™

          Navigator Algorithm™ Trends

          Navigator Trading Sandboxes™

          The daily and weekly trading sandboxes form our windshields for daily and weekly trading. We derive the sandbox boundaries from the Chicago Board Options Exchange. The exchange uses the Black-Scholes option pricing model to set the edges. 

          There is a 68% statistical probability that prices will close inside the Daily Sandbox for that day (Daily Expected Move or DEM) and Weekly Sandbox for that week (Weekly Expected Move or WEM).

          With the daily and weekly range identified in advance, traders can focus on the important support and resistance clusters that will present inside the boundaries, rather than the kitchen sink of levels and indicators. The predictability makes it easier to plan “if this – then that, if not – then what” scenarios in advance.

          Working the boundaries can be tricky. The probabilities and boundaries are calcualted as of expiration (which occurs at the daily or weekly NYSE close). That leaves  some tolerance for the expected moves to temporarily post outside the range boundaries prior to expiration. 

          However, suppose the price moves substantially beyond the upper or lower boundary – perhaps more than 50 to 75 points? In that case, dealer counterparties must buy or sell futures in the same direction as the boundary violation to hedge their inventory. Otherwise, they stand to lose billions. 

          This protective reaction is counterintuitive, as it makes the boundary violation worse,and can accelerate the outside move up to two standard deviations (double the range). Fortunately, this happens only one-third of the time.

          Knowing the boundaries gives traders an edge for several reasons. First, it allows traders to focus on the key isssues they are likely to encounter inside the boundaries for the trading day and week. The trader maintains awareness of the important levels just outside the ranges, but does not expect to encounter them often.

          Second, the boundary levels themselves can act as important support, resistance, and reversal points during the day and week. Also, when the price exceeds the boundaries, traders can fade the price with the dealers back into range as the options approach expiration. Dealers and market makers are considered the smart money. Trading with them is akin to trading with the  the “house.”

          Founder's Journal and Trading Notes

          Below are a few relevant excerpts for today from A.F. Thornton’s personal trading journal and notes. Check out the full notes with a Subscription, which includes access to Mr. Thornton’s live charts in the Founders Trading Room. The full journal contains Mr. Thornton’s daily trading plan and reflections on his daily gains and losses. 

          Be forewarned that the notes can sometimes be offensively blunt and politically incorrect, as Mr. Thornton occasionally vents about geopolitical and economic issues influencing financial markets.

          References to “the Market” in the journal and Blog refer to the S&P 500 Index. The quoted numbers are from the front month E-Mini continuous futures contract. BluPrint’s primary business focus is applying its proprietary Navigator Algorithms™ to the S&P 500 index using the cash SPY ETF, options on the SPX or SPY, and S&P 500 EMini and micro futures as the investment vehicles.

          The Navigator Algorithms™ dictate the buy and sell signals for BluPrint’s Navigator swing strategy. But Mr. Thornton also applies the algorithms to day trade intraday charts down to 2-minute candles. His live, intraday charts are available throughout the day in the Founders Trading Room with a Subscription,

          The algorithms also show whether the S&P 500 is in an uptrend or downtrend. The direction of the index has a considerable influence on the path of individual stocks. The Navigator Algorithms™ can serve as an initial screen to help determine whether you have the wind at your back in stock trading.

          • Considering the negative energy news out of Europe over the weekend, the markets held up remarkably well today. I am suspicious that there might have been some Fed assistance – but who ever really knows (other than them)?
          • The 3900 Put Wall was the inflection point where the market danced most of the day after the opening rally and immediate sell-off, a typical pattern of late. I am suspicious that 3900 could morph into resistance if the price finds acceptance below. We shall see what the next few days bring.
          • The market is working its way lower, and my target would be 3865 or so before we get a significant flip.
          • Keep in mind that I am never married to any working theory. I go will always go with the flow.
          • I listed all key support and resistance in the table above. I also marked the important clusters on the first chart. The levels help you know where to anticipate a pause or turn, but there is no substitute for monitoring the auction level by level to see where the price wants to stick or reverse.
          • Watch the 5-EMA on the daily chart – traders are still shorting off the level. Closing above the level could be bullish. Also, keep an eye on the CBOE equity put/call ratio. It rose into the high end of the range today and creates the risk of a rip-your-face-off short-covering rally or meaningful reversal point. The sentiment is about as negative as I have seen, presenting a contrarian’s paradise. That is unless the crowd is right…
          • And we are reminded that the market is in its third wave down, arguably the cruelest leg of any bear market. But you can expect the market to tease and wear you out before delivering the negative goods. 
          • Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be tricky. There is a cadre of Fed Governors hitting the speaking circuit. The first question is why? What expectations will they attempt to manage? Will they try to offset the European contagion with a more doveish tone? 
          • Regardless, the speakers are sure to cause some volatility, which is likely why the options market has priced in a 130-point expected move range for the day. I don’t typically day-trade until after the Fed Govs hit the speaking circuit.
          • The 30-Year U.S. Treasury rate closed at a new high yesterday, and the 10-year rate is close to a new high. My best guess is that new highs in the 10-year rate eventually mean new lows in the stock market – below the June low at 3639. But close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
          • I am still looking at an ultimate bear market target of 3000 before year-end, give or take a few hundred points. And, after all, what are a few hundred points among friends?
          • Don’t forget that all key levels reverse polarity when materially breached. Support becomes resistance and vice versa. The table above shows where the S&P Futures traded when I published today’s Blog. Move the support and resistance labels as appropriate after the NYSE opens. Anything above the Open is resistance, and below is support.
          • The parabolic U.S. Dollar, which threatens to take down all the emerging, debt-ridden, global economies, is finishing a rising wedge pattern on the daily chart. The pattern telegraphs a decline coming soon – some welcome relief for the third world debtors. By the way, shouldn’t the debt-ridden “third world” now include the United States Banana Republic of America?
          • A falling dollar is usually good for stocks – but the parabolic dollar uptrend must reverse.
          • Traders continue to add protection, moving the Put Wall, Zero Gamma, and Volatility Trigger lower. 
          • Negative Gamma pressure persists – count on more. Dealers will continue to hedge their inventory by selling futures into declines, worsening the down thrusts. But this effect also works in reverse. Dealers must buy futures into rallies, making them stronger and last longer. We call this behavior Gamma squeezes or spirals.
          • Heavy volume continues, and the daily chart candles have one-time framed lower for quite a few days in a row. Continue to watch how much volume is moving price. Stalling (high volume with very little price movement) often precedes important lows.
          • Don’t forget that the Hurst Nominal 80-day cycle is due to trough soon and could give us a left translation bounce – perhaps from the 1.618 Fib target (approximately 3866). The “perfect” cycle low date coincides with the 9/21 Fed Announcement.
          • Very serious global tensions continue to mount now that Russia has formally weaponized energy. The Germans are no longer laughing at President Trump’s Russian energy dependence warning, are they?
          • As mentioned before, we are experiencing a moment in time that requires us to prepare for the worst. It would help if you had a contingency plan for yourself and your extended family. 
          • It is always advisable to have such a plan, with extra food and water on hand. But perhaps it is more important now than ever before.
          • I plan to be as self-sufficient as possible if there is a need to ride out the economic and political storm. 
          • But my plan is all about keeping my trading screens running. How could I possibly live without trading? I can last a few days without food and water – but my screens?
          • I will be the guy who shorts the crash and doesn’t get paid because the brokerage firm goes bankrupt.

          A.F. Thornton

          *** At today’s close, those who chose to short the last Navigator Swing Strategy™ sell signal on 8/15/2022 at 4302.75 have gained profits of $19,637.50 per Emini futures contract (456.39%) and $3133.00 per SPY put option contract (324.66%). Final results will vary depending on the ultimate exit price of the position at the next Navigator Swing Strategybuy signal. 

          Futures and options are leveraged instruments that involve high risk, volatility, leverage, and loss. With leveraged futures, you could lose more than your original investment. Past performance does not guarantee you can achieve similar results.

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          Word of mouth is crucial for growing our trading community and providing education and support for your trading decisions. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family if you find the information beneficial.


          Founder’s Trading Journal

          Beginning the New Week

          S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures / Previous Close 3924.50 / -44.25 (-1.11%)

          Published Monday Afternoon, September 5, 2022

          S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels
          S&P 500 Index Continuous Futures Daily Chart - Key Levels

          Navigator Swing Strategy™

          Navigator Algorithm™ Trends

          Navigator Trading Sandboxes™

          Sandboxes form our windshield for daily and weekly trading. We derive the Daily and Weekly Trading Sandboxes from levels set by the Chicago Board Options Exchange using the Black-Scholes option pricing model to set the boundaries. 

          There is a 68% statistical probability that prices will close inside the Daily Sandbox for that day (the Daily Expected Move or DEM). The same 68% probability applies to the Weekly Sandbox for that week (we call this the Weekly Expected Move or WEM).

          Working the boundaries can be tricky, as we calculate the probabilities as of expiration (which occurs at the daily or weekly NYSE close). So there is some tolerance for the expected moves to post outside the range boundaries before expiration. 

          However, suppose the price moves too far beyond the upper or lower boundary. In that case, dealer counterparties must buy or sell futures in the same direction as the boundary violation to hedge their inventory. This protective reaction can both accelerate and exacerbate the move.

          Dealers lose many billions of dollars when options expire outside the ranges. When we trade with the dealers, we are with the “smart” money. Think of it as analogous to dealing with the “house” in Las Vegas.

          Knowing these boundaries gives traders an edge for several reasons. First, it allows traders to focus primarily on those key levels they are likely to encounter that trading day and week. The trader knows the important levels outside the ranges but does not expect to encounter them often.

          Second, the boundary levels can act as important support, resistance, and often reversal points during the day and week. Also, when the price exceeds the boundaries, traders can often trade futures back into the boundary levels as the options approach expiration at the NYSE close.

          Founder's Journal and Trading Notes

          Below are excerpts from A.F. Thornton’s personal trading journal and notes. The full notes with the detailed trading plan for today and the rest of the week are only available to subscribers. Be forewarnded that the notes can sometimes be offensively blunt, as Mr. Thornton highlights the various political, geopolitical and economic issues influencing financial markets.

          References to “the Market” below refer to the S&P 500 Index. The quoted numbers are from the front month E-Mini continuous futures contract. Our primary focus is trading the S&P 500 index using the SPY ETF, options on the SPX or SPY, and S&P 500 EMini and micro futures.

          Whether the S&P 500 index is in an uptrend or downtrend has considerable influence on the direction of individual stocks. The Navigator Algorithms™ can serve as an initial screen to help determine whether market head or tailwinds favor long or short trades.

          Wilshire 5000 - Current Elliott Wave Count
          Wilshire 5000 - Current Elliott Wave Count

          Highlights – The Week Ahead:

          • The options market prices a 240-point range (3810-4050 this week), which is extremely volatile for a shortened trading week. The trend is down, and the market is in Negative Gamma – so I am watching for downward Gamma spirals. 
          • It is also noteworthy that the WEM low would take us back into full bear market territory and a potential retest of the June 17, 52-Week low. I also remain on alert for European contagion (see below). The potential for earnings downgrades will be the next catalyst for lower prices, as are rising inflation and interest rates. Note that CTAs have $89 billion to unload beginning tomorrow, which is a whole lot of negative index volume.
          • The daily chart of the broad Wilshire 5000 index immediately above shows that the stock market is in its 1st leg down from the August 15 peak. While it is not clear that this 1st leg has ended yet, the price could soon retrace a micro “4” or perhaps even a short-term “2” wave up before another leg down begins. The point is not to be surprised by an uptick, just don’t count on it.
          • The most important takeaway for the week ahead is that the market has started the third leg down in the primary bear count (red numbers). The next down move will be a 3 (minor) of a 3 (major), where some of the most significant damage occurs in a bear market. The fact that the 3rd leg down arrives in the most seasonally weak period of the year is unhelpful to the bulls. As the composite, seasonal tendency chart for stocks shows, stocks typically decline between now and September 30, the end of the calendar quarter.

          Highlights – Tuesday:

          • The options market prices a volatile 100-point range (3874.50-3974.5) for Tuesday. If the price is retracing or consolidating, trading can be choppy, and it might pay to trade outside in from the developing Value Area High and Low into the highest volume node (Point of Control or POC). It takes time for such responsive trading ranges to set up, so I plan to be patient after the NYSE open tomorrow. Overnight inventory is net long at this writing, so Globex traders may fade the open to unload profitable overnight inventory.
          • I am watching the rising trendlines from the March 2020 China Virus crash and June 17 lows. Each line could provide some temporary support. The lines are easy to forget when I am in the weeds and trading down on a 5-minute chart..
          • I am also paying attention to the support and resistance clusters drawn on the first chart above for pauses and reversals. I am especially watching price reactions at the five and 50-day lines. I will use Thursday’s (9/1) candle as a potential breakout range for the very short term.
          • All other Key Levels are listed in the table above, except for the levels that aren’t available until the morning.

          Global Contagion – Europe Teetering on the Edge:

          • On Friday, G7 nations announced they had devised a worldwide scheme to impose price caps on Russian oil. (JP Morgan believes $380 Oil Possible If Russia Retaliates).

          • Russia has now retaliated. Here is the sequence of events that have transpired:

            •  FRIDAY: Russia will not sell oil to any country abiding by the price caps.

            • SATURDAY: Russia cut off all Natural Gas flows to the EU, openly declaring the cutoff as retaliation for sanctions and weaponizing the gas flows. Putin said there would be no more gas until the West removes sanctions.

            • MONDAY: OPEC plus announced it would reduce oil production by 100,000 barrels per day in a warning shot across the bow. “The 100k cut won’t impact physical volumes to the market, but it signals that OPEC plus is serious about cuts.

            • MONDAY: Europe announced it might suspend trading in power derivatives which is the equivalent of banning short sales in stocks. But this is much worse. The move is tantamount to destroying operating and financial leverage in a $2 trillion economy leveraged on top of less than $20 billion in Natural Gas. Industry players will refuse deals due to the inability to honor contractual promises. If Europe goes forward with the proposal, it is depression-type deleveraging for the EU.

            • MONDAY: Europe will create lines of credit and ease credit requirements for operations to continue running. The West in general (and Europe in particular) must do the only thing they can in a commodity crisis, attempt to financially paper it over as long as they can until securing supplies. The papering is inflation morphing into hyperinflation.
            • MONDAY: Rationing is back on the table again.
            • MONDAY: Crude Oil Futures are up nearly 3% over Friday’s close.
            • More headlines are coming out by the hour, but these are the material contagion points so far that affect all of us. This is a very dynamic situation. For a more comprehensive explanation, read: As Europe Implodes, It Plans “Radical Intervention…” 

          A.F. Thornton

          *** At Friday’s close, those who chose to short the last Navigator Swing Strategy™ sell signal on 8/15/2022 at 4302.75 have gained $18,912.50 per Emini futures contract (402.54%) and $2609.00 per SPY put option (392.81%). 

          Final results will vary depending on the next Navigator Swing Strategybuy signal. Futures and options are leveraged instruments that involve high risk, volatility, leverage, and loss. With leveraged futures, you could lose more than your original investment. Past performance does not guarantee similar future results.

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          Word of mouth is crucial for growing our trading community and providing education and support for your trading decisions. Please feel free to share this with your friends and family if you find the information beneficial.



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